Get High Speed Copywriting Now – And Start Creating “Money Printing Press” Sales Letters For Your Business (Or Your Clients) Right Away!

Hello. My name is David Garfinkel. Today I’m going to show you something you can
How much cash? That's up to you. I've helped people make huge sums of money in just three days.
Here’s what’s important – I have a proven, easy-to-use system for creating “money magnet” sales letters FAST, and it will work for just about any business owner (even if you thought you couldn’t write copy to save your own life)!
Here is what Business Strategy Expert Raffino Morstar said about this system:
“High-Speed Copywriting is hands-down the course that any copywriter – newbie or pro – must have, because it really does supercharge a writer’s ability to crank out amazing sales copy in hyperspeed time, by breaking everything essential into foolproof, simple steps.”
"If you would like to raise cash quickly for your business (anytime you want), listen to this short message carefully. You are about to discover the best method ever developed for bringing in piles of money – without investors, loans, or robbing a bank!"
My name is David Garfinkel and I charge $35,000 plus 5% of gross sales to write a sales letter or full web page. But please don’t try to hire me.
For two reasons:
1. With three businesses of my own and four lucrative partnerships, I’d much rather write letters for my own projects. (Although in a moment you will see how I could easily fit in four “extra” sales letters or web pages a month – and why this is to your advantage!)
2. Because I am a teacher as well as a top copywriter and a fire-breathing entrepreneur, I have a strong desire to give you a way to create these high-powered sales letters for yourself.
Now that may sound strange.
But really, by giving you what I know, it does not reduce my opportunities in the market.
Instead, it gets me credit for an invention I was forced to make.
Writing copy is rarely hazardous to your health. But it was for me, because I used to get so stressed out – and so worked up about how hard it was to write copy.
One time, in fact, it got so bad that I contracted walking pneumonia. Just from burning the midnight oil night after night.
It was then I decided, “There must be a better way.”
And so, since 1993, I have spent about half my time writing lucrative sales letters (far more lucrative for my clients than for me, but I’m not complaining ) – and the other half trying to solve a problem that nearly put me in the hospital several times:
Since 1999, I’ve been coming out with pioneering products to help people write copy faster. For example, my Copywriting Templates™ have helped thousands of copywriters and business owners remove the struggle from writing headlines, bullets, stories, offers, and closes.
Today, I have to admit, they were pretty good. For some people, mainly a time-saving tool. For others, more like a gift from God.
Yes, for over 25 years, I’ve made it easier for thousands of people around the world to write better copy faster – or even to write copy at all!
But I had not completed my mission. There were still things to make easier, make faster, make better.
Today, with my new training program, I’m a lot closer. It comes from 20 years of teaching, coaching, trying, refining, succeeding and failing, tweaking and testing, dealing with frustration… and trying again.
Finally – it all came together. Eureka! (and I don’t mean the vacuum cleaner… ) Because this new program
You don't write the sales letter at all, because…
The sales letter writes you!
That might sound silly, so let me explain…
This new program actually “tricks” you into getting everything ready for your sales letter in a few hours of simple activities. Almost effortlessly. It’s really more like putting together a resume or filling out a simple questionnaire.
And the payoff is huge. Because once you’ve gone through 10 simple steps – and you can do all of them in a few hours – then there’s virtually no “hard work” left to do. You just string them together… and your sales letter is done.
Here’s what Jason Parker, a successful internet marketer, had to say:
“I feel confident that I could easily write 1 to 2 full sales pages every day now without breaking a sweat if I wanted to. I might even start doing some freelance copywriting, now that I have this formula. It's a system that makes it so darn easy... I didn't do any freelancing before because I thought it would take up too much time, but now I feel like a human sales letter factory.”
Because if you’ve stayed with me this far, I’m sure you think I am either the slickest con man you have ever run across, or completely out of my mind.
Which is a reasonable response. Especially if you have ever written a sales letter that actually works – or tried to.
I mean, if I heard what I just said, but it was 25 years ago, that would have been my reaction.
But listen.
I went to the ends of the earth to learn what I needed to know, and then I put it into a system so good that it has won the Halbert Seal of Approval…
(Bond Halbert, in case you don’t know, is the son of legendary copywriter Gary Halbert, and a lifelong student of sales copy that makes maximum profits.)
Let me be completely open about this. You may know of me as a copywriter or a copywriting coach, but the whole picture is that I am a business owner like you. An entrepreneur with so many things going on that I am constantly seeking out ways to get more things done well – in less time!
Naturally, I wanted to avoid repeating painful experience (see: “walking pneumonia.”) And the core-level truth is: I created the High-Speed Copywriting system for myself! (I’ll tell you more about that in a minute.)
With some key help from marketing expert and fellow copywriter Brian McLeod, I put this all together into an easy-to-use system because a lot of people needed what I needed:
Bond Halbert was the first person to clearly see how High-Speed Copywriting is fundamentally different from every other copywriting system out there.
Specifically: I did not create this product to turn anyone into an A-List Copywriter.
The real purpose of High-Speed Copywriting is to help copywriters and business owners who need to get good copy done fast. High-Speed Copywriting is a streamlined system to create great copy quickly and with little to no effort – and, to save you the typical $10,000 - $15,000 investment that you would have to pay a medium-level pro copywriter to write the same copy for you, so you could get the same result with copy you write using this system.
Look at it this way. If you found a way to take six strokes off of any golfer’s game, don’t you think Tiger Woods and Rickie Fowler would want to try it, too?
Even if your product was designed for golfers who only played on weekends, rather than spent their whole lives trying to be the best they could be (maybe the best in the world)?
At our live seminar, one professional copywriter (who was also a celebrity speaker at the event) openly admitted on camera that she used the system to complete a sales letter she had been procrastinating on for seven months!
But, to be clear, most of the people who have benefited from High-Speed Copywriting have been and always will be business owners. Because when you confidently know you can put together a sales letter or a powerful email “on command,” then you have the unique ability to
True story: Yesterday I was talking with one of my buddies (a very successful pro copywriter) about his early days in the business.
He walked into the offices of a new client. This business owner knew how copy really worked. He told the ‘new-guy copywriter’: “We need to get $50,000 by the end of the week.”
When he heard that years ago, my buddy’s head nearly exploded.
The business owner didn’t care. He calmly proceeded to map out exactly what needed to be written; how it needed to be sent; who it needed to be mailed to; and what would happen as a result.
Four days later, my buddy told me, his jaw dropped.
Because his client had an additional $50,000 in the bank!
That’s what you can do when you are a business owner with the ability to write good copy quickly!
We all have different skills and talents. If you’re one of those business owners who needs copy but you know the Earth will disappear from the known universe before you actually write the copy yourself, how could this program help you?
It’s simple. Once you go through it once (even kicking and screaming), you will know more than almost every ad agency… probably all of your competitors… and even many so-called ‘pro copywriters.’
What that means is: You’ll know more about what it takes for copy to bring in the buckeroos.
This lets you hire much less expensive copywriters and direct their work to get cash-rich returns. So you get ten-dollar-bill results for fifty-cent investments.
See… every business owner needs to know how to think like a high-yield copywriter… whether or not you ever end up writing a word of copy for your business yourself!
When Brian and I premiered High-Speed Copywriting in San Francisco, we gave people a two-day workshop and a complete step-by-step system for $1300. Students flew in from as far away as Singapore to attend, and to get our system.
When Brian and I premiered High-Speed Copywriting in San Francisco, we gave people a two-day workshop and a complete step-by-step system for $1300. Students flew in from as far away as Singapore to attend, and to get our system.
Was $1300 too little? Most people thought so. Looking back, so do we. And when we do the workshop again, if we do the workshop again, it will most likely cost $2500 to $3,000 to get in.
But during the San Francisco event, we carefully recorded “in the room” videos so you can replicate the experience – “the closest thing to being there,” as they say.
When you log in and start watching the opening session… and you can be doing exactly that from any device in just a few minutes from now…
… the best thing to do is get in a room, lock the door, and watch the opening session online. It will take you two about hours. A little bit less. And you will be so much further ahead than most “old school” pro copywriters are after a full day’s worth of work.
Now you’ve only got two sessions left. Another two hours for the afternoon workshop. At this point, your letter is practically already written, but you won’t realize it yet. Because you’ve just been following some very simple instructions. No brain-wracking creativity. No struggle or writer’s block. Just going one step at a time.
Do something you enjoy. Have fun.
Your sales letter? Fergettaboutit! . It’ll wait for you.
Then, tomorrow, back in that locked room. No phones. No email. No looking at “interesting” pictures on the Internet.
Just follow the 8 simple steps from Day 2. It will take you about 4 hours.
And – presto-changeo!
Your sales letter’s done.
—Andrew Brumana
Webmaster and Marketing Manager
“I’ve written more sales copy in these two days than I've written in the past month… Faster and easier!”
—Alvin Huang
Owner, Success Advantage PTE LTD
“This is a simple system that makes writing fast powerful copy really easy. In addition to that, I was able to take away ideas brainstormed during the seminar that will easily add tens of thousand of more profit to my business."
—Jason Lane
Boston, MA
"I've been a copywriter for 8 years, and I was surprised to discover how many new tools and processes this program gave me.
David's ‘magic’ questions are like a GPS that gently guide you toward the creation of a powerful message that is sure to get much better results than if you had gone it alone and taken your chances with the dreaded blank screen.
Thanks for making this mysterious art more accessible to people who don't want to spend years learning how to write copy before they can finally start making money."
—Travis Cody
Entrepreneur, Entertainment Professional, Copywriter
“This system makes it so easy, it’s ridiculous!”
—Mike Hays
Owner, Missing Link, Inc.
“If you’ve ever had the feeling that you just want to barf, or you’ve had a lot of anxiety, when you’re sitting down to write copy, then I’d highly recommend High-Speed Copywriting.”
How would you like to have the same experiences… the same new capabilities… the same confidence… and the same results the people at the live workshop got?
We captured every minute of it on video and edited out the breaks and the time students were writing. We put the video online for you, with navigation menus, so you can easily reference every portion (and save time if you want to check a single part of the system one more time).
The same system our students paid $1300 for (plus at least $800 for airfare, hotel, and… those tabs at the hotel bar… I don’t even want to think about that…).
We’ve set it up so you can use the forms online, or print them and fill them out by hand. As many times as you like, so you can create winning (meaning, cash-generating) sales letter after sales letter.
As I mentioned before, I created the first (and I would say, the best) set of comprehensive Copywriting Templates™ a few years before High-Speed Copywriting became available.
Copywriting Templates™ ramps up your creation of any type of sales copy. Templates for headlines… stories… guarantees… subheads… bullet points… and so much more.
Hundreds of people paid $1197 for the original Copywriting Templates™ program. People loved them, because these templates made writing every type of copy so quick and easy!
You get every single template from that program with your order of High-Speed Copywriting.
This is important because there will be times when you are not writing a sales letter. You might be putting together an ad campaign on Facebook or Google. Maybe a blog post. Or, you could be writing an advertorial… an email… an upsell page.
In fact there are any number of other pieces of copy that would normally take you hours, or days.
With Copywriting Templates™ at your fingertips, plan to cut your writing time in half… or more!
You won’t have to pay the same $1197 others paid for Copywriting Templates™. In fact, you won’t have to pay anything at all. Because they are included as part of your High-Speed Copywriting System.
You see, the templates are, in fact, an integral part of High-Speed Copywriting. Just one more reason this system helps you create really profitable promotions — fast.
You could pay up to $2500 for one hour of their time. Just one of them! But their power-packed, no-holds-barred sessions (also online) come as part of the High-Speed Copywriting package:
John Carlton – “The Darkest (Essential) Secrets For Your Bag of Tricks.” John is privately sought-out by many of the biggest names in the business. He has a knack for seeing and explaining the money-boosting secrets that even 99 out of 100 top copywriters frequently overlook when they’re writing.
John Carlton – “The Darkest (Essential) Secrets For Your Bag of Tricks.”
John is privately sought-out by many of the biggest names in the business. He has a knack for seeing and explaining the money-boosting secrets that even 99 out of 100 top copywriters frequently overlook when they’re writing.
Craig Eubanks – “How To Write Emails in 25 Minutes (or less).”
Craig’s a brilliant “insider” who writes explosive copy quickly for multiple clients, in record time. What he shares in this bonus will shave hours off time you currently spend writing emails.
Lorrie Morgan – “Copywriting Secrets that Sell to 85% of the Buying Market.”
If you’ve ever wondered what to do when a promotion you’ve written for women isn’t converting, you’ll love Lorrie’s unique, powerful approach. Wait till you hear her unique insights into the female buying mindset!
“Million Dollar” Mike Morgan – “Cutting Edge Sales Funnels.”
This legendary copywriter holds the record for creating the highest customer value in history for one of many promotions he wrote for giant publisher Agora Financial. You’ll want to watch “Million Dollar” Mike’s presentation more than once.
Craig Eubanks – “How To Write Emails in 25 Minutes (or less).” Craig’s a brilliant “insider” who writes explosive copy quickly for multiple clients, in record time. What he shares in this bonus will shave hours off time you currently spend writing emails.
Lorrie Morgan – “Copywriting Secrets that Sell to 85% of the Buying Market.” If you’ve ever wondered what to do when a promotion you’ve written for women isn’t converting, you’ll love Lorrie’s unique, powerful approach. Wait till you hear her unique insights into the female buying mindset!
“Million Dollar” Mike Morgan – “Cutting Edge Sales Funnels.” This legendary copywriter holds the record for creating the highest customer value in history for one of many promotions he wrote for giant publisher Agora Financial. You’ll want to watch “Million Dollar” Mike’s presentation more than once.
The information (and inspiration) you get from any one of these bonus sessions could turn a “so-so” promo into a rock-solid, grand-slam top-of-the-charts winner!
And… that’s right. All online, so you can view it whenever you want!
I’m determined to take all the risk out of this for you and make it a no-brainer for you to try – and prosper from – The High-Speed Copywriting System.
Try it out, and you have 30 days to make up your mind as to whether this is for you.
If not, simply contact our customer support team (we’ll give you a website and phone number where you can reach them 24 hours a day) and ask for your Return Authorization Number. (We need that to track your return and refund your purchase.)
Then, return your workbook in ANY condition, less the small shipping charge—all spelled out when you order.
Of course, we’re betting you won’t part with your High-Speed Copywriting System for anything. Just like Bond Halbert, who made his own brother Kevin give him “collateral” when Kevin wanted to borrow the workbook from the live event!
People tell me I’m stupid to offer this for only $497, because it is worth so much more. But I don’t care. The wounds are too fresh from years of struggling with copy myself.
Now that this system has been tested and proven, I don’t want you to go through what I’ve been through.
That’s why I want to make this amazing system available to everyone who can use it.
For a limited time, it’s just $497.
I promise you: This will be the best investment in your marketing you make all year. It will change your business, and your life, in ways I can’t even fully describe.
So seize this opportunity and order now!
Coach, Copywriter and Marketing Strategist
P.S. If you’ve ever wanted a way to raise a lot of cash quickly with no strings attached, writing a good sales letter is that way. And now, with High-Speed Copywriting, you can do this without studying the art and science of copywriting for 20 or 30 years!
P.P.S. Before I wrote this letter, my friend Bond Halbert threw me a friendly challenge: Time myself!
I thought it was a fair request. After all, I’m going around telling people I can slash their copywriting time by days, even weeks. So I took out my iPhone, set it on “stopwatch,” and timed every second of my writing.
Here’s a photo of the iPhone after I finished session 2:
And here’s the full report. Because I was doing so many other things, I had to write it in short spurts, between phone calls, coaching sessions, answering emails, accepting a three-day speaking engagement in Vegas, and – ugh – two and one half hours in the dentist’s chair (this morning).
Six sessions: 39 minutes, 14 seconds. 36 minutes, 50 seconds. 27 minutes, 50 seconds. 11 minutes, 25 seconds. 52 minutes, 5 seconds. 24 minutes, 37 seconds.
Grand total:
2 hours, 27 minutes, 51 seconds.
And here’s the full report. Because I was doing so many other things, I had to write it in short spurts, between phone calls, coaching sessions, answering emails, accepting a three-day speaking engagement in Vegas, and – ugh – two and one half hours in the dentist’s chair (this morning).
Six sessions: 39 minutes, 14 seconds. 36 minutes, 50 seconds. 27 minutes, 50 seconds. 11 minutes, 25 seconds. 52 minutes, 5 seconds. 24 minutes, 37 seconds.
Grand total:
2 hours, 27 minutes, 51 seconds.
Compare that to a sales letter I wrote for a client four years ago. It made them over a million dollars in three days.
I spent three months researching the letter and 3 solid days – about 36 hours – writing the letter itself.
Now will this letter (the one you’re reading now) make me $1 million?
Probably not. But it will make a lot of money.
However – and this is important – the product I’m writing about in this letter can make you a good deal more than $1 million if you use it and put the right offer in front of the right prospects.
Think about that.
P.P.P.S. One final thing. It’s a comment from James Seetoo, an executive recruiter in Carlsbad, California.
James told me:
—James Seetoo
Carlsbad, California
“I always thought great copywriting took a lot of time and a lot of talent. After going through the High-Speed Copywriting course with absolutely no experience, I now have both.”
“David was the best mentor I’ve EVER had. Months after I first started working with him, I wrote my first million dollar sales letter. Recently, I wrote one of what the publisher at Agora Financial called one of the three best promos they’ve ever had. I also beat the longest standing control in their history. But I didn’t do any of these by myself. David gave me crucial feedback that made my copy sing. If you want to become a copy master, get David’s help.”
“David’s responsible for the careers of more of the hot “new breed” copywriters than anyone. Chris Haddad, Mike Morgan, Vin Montello, Travis Cody and many more all cite David as an integral reason for their meteoric rise through the ranks and bombastic fee-garnering as freelancers.”
“Before I met David Garfinkel I was a wet-behind-the-ears wannabe copywriter way more concerned with protecting my ego than I was with writing copy that CONVERTS. David took me under his wing, brutalized my copy, burned away the bullshit keeping me from reaching that next level and transformed me into a world-class writer with well over 9 figures in sales to my name.
“Even better, thanks to what David taught me and applying it to my Digital Romance, Inc. business, I became a multi-millionaire while still in my mid-thirties. Garf is far and away the best copywriting coach there is and I’m grateful every day to have him as both a mentor and a friend. Thanks for everything, sir.”
“I feel confident that I could easily write 1 to 2 full sales pages every day now without breaking a sweat if I wanted to. I might even start doing some freelance copywriting, now that I have this formula. It's a system that makes it so darn easy... I didn't do any freelancing before because I thought it would take up too much time, but now I feel like a human sales letter factory.”
Devour every page and use these proven strategies for success. Under David Garfinkel's guidance, just one of my sales letters raised $250,000 in one day."
“David's work provides a clear path toward acquiring wealth by mastering the written word. I strongly recommend it.”
“I find I use the concepts to tickle ideas several times each day. It saves me hours of laboring over coming up with ideas from scratch. Now, I just take the ideas from these lessons and give them my own twist.”
“Just came up with 8 headline ideas that I might use for a new booklet I am writing. Also came up with a good one for an insurance product I am marketing. I wasn’t even trying for that one. All this in a half hour.”
“After just a few coaching sessions with David I feel like another person. My new insurance business venture is booming (we are getting more leads than we can handle, so we had to hire two new employees), and the copy I wrote with David’s help for a new info-product is converting better than anything I ever wrote myself. It’s at a point where David’s coaching is basically paying for itself — and we aren’t even half-way through the program. David completely changed my way of looking at copywriting.”
“If you’re looking to master the art and craft of writing great copy, you’d be very hard pressed to find anyone better than David. Not only is he an outstanding copywriter. He is also a truly exceptional mentor and teacher. David has a knack of explaining the strategy and psychology behind copy and why certain things work while others fail. In his teaching he doesn’t just tell you what to do but guides you through the process so that you really ‘get’ what it’s all about, and write great copy yourself.”
“David Garfinkel is the best copywriter I know.”
“David Garfinkel has generated tens of million dollars in sales, and substantial profits, for his clients. To paraphrase the old E.F. Hutton ad: When David speaks, savvy marketers listen.”
“David coached me over a period of time. He had to help me erase the bad habits I learned while getting my MBA in marketing. After I worked with David, I wrote a sales letter that pulled 4% on a list of 10,000, where the best anyone had been able to get before was 2%.”
“David Garfinkel was the copy chief for a 24-page tabloid promotion that I recently finished for a major health publisher.
Let me tell you… he certainly lived up to his reputation for ‘going over copy like a forensic accountant.’ He was meticulous in every detail. He uncovered wording that was unclear and suggested important improvements throughout the copy.
David also helped immensely at the concept-development stage. He helped me focus on the strongest overall themes and make them more emotionally powerful.
David has worked with so many of the top pros in the business. You will be fortunate to have him copy chief a project for you, or to get a spot in one of his outstanding copywriter or business mentoring programs."
“David Garfinkel always seems to be able to help me find clarity amidst chaos when it comes to all the copy ideas swirling around inside my head. After WEEKS of struggling to find the perfect lead for a promotion I was working on, David nailed it in only 37 seconds flat. If you have the opportunity to brainstorm or mentor with David, you should jump on it immediately.”
“David, the results we obtained more than lived up to your claims. Using your techniques, we obtained thousands of new clients, tripling the profitability of our program to nearly $4 million.”
“I have used David twice to help me come up with titles for business eBooks. In both cases, he made sure he deeply understood what my books were about, my audience and the challenges they faced, before starting to make suggestions. It would be hard to overstate the value I get from these conversations.”
“On one promotion, David’s small but meaningful changes increased conversions of my sales video by 139.43%. I intend to continue working with David and would encourage anyone else to as well. His expertise is well worth the investment.”
“David put together a direct marketing program for us, targeting fast-growing entrepreneurial companies in the Phoenix area. The results were phenomenal. The new clients from David’s campaign accounted for more than $5 million in recurring annual income.”
“Whenever I need help with a sales letter, I set up a session with David. He has this uncanny ability to tell me what’s wrong with the sales message, and what can be improved. He also has this ridiculous talent for coming up with copy, like, effortlessly! It would take me at least 30 minutes to put together what comes out of his mouth in just 30 seconds!”
“David Garfinkel, ‘The World’s Greatest Copywriting Coach’–with the clientele, and a mile-long-list of superstar copywriting students, to back up that claim.”
“David gives the best advice on words that sell.”
“When it came time to get sales copy written for my course on business branding, there was only one copywriter I trusted to get it right: David Garfinkel.”
“I’ve hired many of the top names in the world of entrepreneurial coaching. Some have worked out and some haven’t. The coaching I get from David Garfinkel is consistently valuable and almost always leads to profit. My conservative estimate of the increased profit our company has made directly from David’s advice is in the neighborhood of $5 million US. That’s one of the main reasons we’ve renewed our contract with him twice.”
“As a coaching client of David’s, I can easy and confidently attest to David’s instructional prowess in sales and marketing copy. I’ve spent many, many hours with David one-on-one. Through my discipleship, I’ve written copy for sales letters and websites that have generated millions in revenue for my businesses.”
“David Garfinkel has demonstrated time and again his ability to identify growth opportunities for virtually any business. He’s got in-the-field proof that his advice works; he’s got years of real-world experience to draw on; and he’s got a string of clients who will tell you he made them money.”